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Trinity Book and Tea

Our Story

   46 Years of Sipping Tea   

I've been a tea lover since I was 10 years old.  My older cousin, Imogene, would come to visit and ask my mother for hot water so she could make herself a cup of tea.  I was amazed at her love for tea and the fact that she carried tea bags in her purse!  I secretly watched her for a while until she noticed my curiosity.  She asked me if I've ever had tea.  When she heard I hadn't she said, "Oh, then let me teach you."  I'm so thankful for her taking the time to teach a wide-eyed young girl the art of brewing a cup of hot tea.


My passion for tea has grown since then, but so did the busyness of life.  Through the demands of marriage, raising children, and managing a home, my social life took a backseat.  I was feeling lonely and missed having close friendships. I eventually started a Moms In Prayer group in my home which was a giant step for this introvert woman.  I walked out of my comfort zone, embracing a new way of looking at relationships. Through the years, these praying ladies and I have bonded in a way I didn't expect.  Outside of our prayer times, we meet for socials, having tea together in our homes or meeting at a coffee shop.  I believe that these casual meetings have deepened our friendships.   The result of these regular times together taught me the value and power of sisterhood.


I've always been fascinated by the history of tea and how the British made it part of their everyday lives.  I eventually started learning about the health benefits of tea, which made me love it even more. Not only was I drinking tea for the great taste, but I was also taking care of my body at the same time!


When I decided to start a business, I knew it had to somehow involve tea.  I wanted my business to fit my personality perfectly and to be as feminine as I could make it.  Encouraging women to slow down in order to develop stronger relationships needed to be the theme of the business.  Providing great teas and accessories that I hand-pick and use on a regular basis was a must.

I struggled with a business name that would capture exactly what I wanted.  I said to my husband,  "I need one word that sums up the thought of unity."  His response surprised me.  "What about Trinity?  What a perfect picture of unity."  I loved it from the first moment.  It's exactly the word I was looking for!  


I chose the word "rose" for several different reasons.   Sweet-smelling roses have deep roots that can handle rough weather. They are thorny and can cause pain sometimes.  They blossom in clusters and make life so much more beautiful!  There are over 100 different species of roses, each very unique in its own way.  But most importantly, roses are known as a symbol of love.  All these facts remind me of friendships.


My desire for our tea shoppe is to encourage women to "stop and smell the roses" long enough to enjoy the blessing of sisterhood.  Even though there are a million ways to do this, I believe sipping tea is the most relaxing and practical way. Through this business, I want to educate others about the health benefits of tea and share fun facts.  Our blog will inspire you to have your own teatimes with your family and friends.  On the blog, my girlfriends and I will be sharing great tips, healthy recipes, and encouragement to you. 


Please stop by regularly with a cup of tea in hand to browse the website and read our blog.  Hopefully, you will be encouraged while you are here.


"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today," so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."  Hebrews 3:13 NIV.





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