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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Day 11 - Piper's Piping For Peppermint

Scottish bagpipes.

Hello! Thank you for checking out our blog post today as we go into Day 11 of our 12 Days of Christmas Tea Tasting. Today's tea is probably one of my all-time favorites - Peppermint Tea! This tea is organic and is 100% peppermint leaves. Delicious flavor with every sip!

Did you know that peppermint tea can help relieve headaches? It can also help with that irritating sensation of having to cough. These are good things to have in mind while going into the cold and flu season. There are other benefits from drinking this herbal tea too...

Reduces stress

Boosts your immune system

Fights bad breath

Reduces fevers

Helps in weight loss

Aides in digestion

And promotes better sleep

This is a caffeine free tea, so drink as much as you like without worrying about it interrupting your sleep.

Not only is peppermint tea tasty and good for your body, it's also good for your brain! Studies have shown that drinking this minty tea can make you more mentally alert and help with your memory retrieval (Oh I need this!).

Want to get adventurous? Try growing your own mint leaves in your garden and make your own tea. I've done this several times and it works great. You can either just add some mint leaves into hot water and let it steep or you can dry the leaves and crush them to put into containers or tea bags.

Peppermint leaves being used as tea.

However, peppermint tea may not be for everyone. Since there are some mild side effects in some people who have a reaction to menthol, pregnant women, patients with GERD, or if you take certain medications, should speak to their doctors before drinking peppermint tea.*

Remember that the 11 Piper's Piping in our ancient Christmas song represents the eleven faithful Apostles: 1) Simon Peter, 2) Andrew, 3) James, 4) John, 5) Philip, 6) Bartholomew, 7) Matthew, 8) Thomas, 9) James bar Alphaeus, 10) Simon the Zealot, 11) Judas bar James.  (Luke 6:14-16).

Now let's talk about those 11 piper's piping. I always envisioned them playing flute-like instruments, but through my study this week, I see that it was the bagpipes they get credit for playing. Some say the bagpipes originated in Rome, some say Scotland. Whatever the true origin is doesn't really matter to me. It's still a treat to sit back and listen to those heart-moving pipes playing.

I found this beautiful video and thought it was the perfect way to end today's blog post. Sit back with your peppermint tea and enjoy five minutes of listening to Amazing Grace on the bagpipes while watching some gorgeous scenery from Scotland!



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