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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Fun Facts About Poinsettias

Updated: Dec 11, 2019

I love poinsettias! They are the perfect Christmas flower in my opinion. Their bright red color can cheer up any room. Setting one of them on my dining room table just says, "It's Christmas time," to me. Don't you agree?

When I was shopping for Christmas items to put in our shoppe for the holidays, I knew I wanted something with poinsettias on it. I decided on "teapots for one." So, when the package arrived at my doorstep I couldn't wait to dig into the box to see the beautiful colors. While I was unpacking these gems, I realized that I really didn't know very much about this lovely plant. So I did a little research. I truly enjoyed learning about the history of this plant and all the fun facts I discovered. I thought I would share them with you..

Oh, before I share the facts... Did you know that Home Depot has a $.99 sale on poinsettias every year on Black Friday? My sweet husband left early and came back with 12 (the limit). I decided to use poinsettias, along with the few nutcrackers that I have as our Christmas theme this year. Make sure you get to Home Depot early next year because they sell out fast!

Fun facts about the poinsettia flower:

1. The main attraction of this beautiful flower is not the flower itself but the leaves.

2. There are more than 100 varieties of poinsettia! They come in multiple colors.

3. In the wild or in the tropics, some poinsettias can get up to 12 feet tall with leaves measuring 6 to 8 inches across. Wow!

4. Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett, an amateur botanist, introduced the plant to the United States in 1828, (hence the name of the plant) after discovering them in Mexico.

5. December 12 is National Poinsettia Day. The United States has observed this official day since the mid-1800s in honor of Joel Poinsett. Mr. Poinsett died Dec.12, 1851.

6. The poinsettia is considered a poisonous plant. However, according to several websites, the plant has been tested repeatedly and cleared of this charge by authorities such as the National Poison Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and the American Medical Association. But, the plant should not be eaten and still kept out of reach of small children and pets. If eaten, the plant may cause stomach upset and skin irritation.

7. Most of the poinsettias we enjoy at Christmas are grown in California.

8. Poinsettias have been called the lobster flower because of their red color.

9. To prolong the life of this beautiful Christmas plant, avoid hot or cold drafts. Keep the soil moist and place in a room with natural light. The best temperatures are around 60 to 70 degrees F. Water when the soil begins to dry. It may be too late to keep the plant alive if you wait until the leaves begin to wilt. Poinsettias are highly sensitive to cold temperatures.

10. Poinsettias were traditionally used in religious ceremonies since the Aztecs believed that red was the symbol of purity. The poinsettia is known as the “Flower of the Holy Night” in Mexico and Guatemala.


If you enjoy painting and would like to paint a poinsettia, I've added a video of my favorite acrylic artist, Angela Anderson. It's a full class that is absolutely FREE. I hope you enjoy it. Happy painting!

Merry Christmas, Everyone! After learning about our traditional Christmas flower, I hope it makes you enjoy them a little more.


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