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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Where Do You Rest?

Hello Friends! I'd like to introduce you to my sweet friend, Terri. I've asked Terri to share her devotional with us on peace. Thanks for stopping by and reading it. I hope you are encouraged!

From Terri...

Where Do You Rest?

And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in Me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in Me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!” John 16:33 (TPT)

Read that again. He said we will have trouble. That is no surprise to Him and should not be for us. We live in a sinful world where many do not serve, praise or even acknowledge Him. As believers in a risen Savior we should expect life in this sinful world not to come easy. If it were easy, or even possible to do on our own, would we need Jesus? Would we cry out to Him when we just can’t handle one more thing? Would we praise Him when the daily “stuff” seems to fall in place and we do manage to find a moment to breathe and enjoy?

But we know how our story ends. Our Savior has already won the battle. When we can’t run one more errand, handle one more last minute assignment, or lovingly look at a child having a meltdown without bursting into our own tears, we need to rest in Him. When we seek Him before and during our trials and rest in the fact that He has this whole thing under control, He has promised us His peace. Not stress-free days. Not instant solutions to every problem. But rest. Complete peace knowing He is in control. He has fought for us, died for us, and conquered the whole world because He loves us.

So pray, dear sisters. Seek Him first and always. Know that you are not alone and that you are loved. Then praise Him for what He has done for you. 

Terri Wilson

July 2, 2019

Terri is a homeschooling mother of 3 and also author of Hands On Homeschooling, curricula for preschoolers. Hands On Homeschooling is used in homes and church-based preschools around the US and in 16 other countries. Lesson plans are available for ages 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each curriculum comes in a 3-ring binder with daily lessons for 9 months of school. Each offer flexibility to follow as written for a 5-day-a-week program or occasional ideas for parents, grandparents or babysitters. Check out more at

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