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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Why Keep Praying?

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

When I first decided to start a tea shoppe I had some things planned that I knew would be a part of my business. Prayer was one of them. I believed (and still do) that God wanted me to pray for the women I would come in contact with through my online connections. So, I made up my mind that I would pray for every customer God brought to me. So I do. So I always will. I recently added to the bottom of each page of my website a place where visitors can send me their specific prayer requests. It would be my joy to pray for you and your family! Of course, you do not need to be a customer to fill out the form. All prayer requests will be confidential so there is need to worry about that.

A few months ago I came across the book, "Why Keep Praying When You Don't See Results?" by Robert Morris, the pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas. I bought the book and read it through in one weekend (it's a pretty quick read). Then I read it again. This book encouraged me, inspired me, and motivated me to keep on praying even when I don't see my desired results. God is always at work, whether I realize it or not. Why Keep Praying is not only an inspiring book, it's also a BEAUTIFUL book. It is fully-colored with gorgeous pictures, prayers and Scriptures. It can be considered a coffee-table book (yes, it's that pretty). The book has blessed me so much that I bought several copies so I could pass them out to others who feel like giving up in prayer.

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. (John 14:13-14).

I want to bless you with this book. Just for the asking, I will send you a copy of this book FREE. I will even cover the shipping costs if you do not live near me. No purchase in our shoppe is necessary to receive this book. All I ask is that you actually read the book and not just put it on a shelf. Please do that as a favor to me. Thank you!

Here are a few pictures from the inside of the book...

I would love to pray for you today. Please send me a message if you would like prayer for you or a loved one. Thank you.

Have a blessed day!


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