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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Day 4 - Calling Birds or Colly Birds?

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

Four Calling Birds

Day 4 of our 12 Days of Christmas Tea Tasting is on its way with our Coconut Chai Tea. This rooibos tea is perfect any time of the day, but especially in the evening since it contains no caffeine. Its ginger root, cinnamon, shredded coconut, and ginger and vanilla flavorings gives it the perfect Christmas touch!

Rooibos tea is not only tasty but actually very healthy for you.

Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea:   Full of Anti-inflammatory & Antioxidant Properties Improves Heart Health Treats Diabetes May Prevent Cancer Aids in Digestion Supports Strong Bones Helps You Lose Weight Treats Allergies Keeps Skin & Hair Young***

So drink up and get healthy with every sip!

Now let's talk about this ancient Christmas song. As you may have guessed, this song originated from a book and then made its way into a song, like many of our old ancient songs.

“The Twelve Days of Christmas” was first published, likely after years of oral circulation, around 1780 in the book Mirth Without Mischief. As with many songs, it originally appeared in print without accompanying sheet music, and may have been intended to be spoken, not sung." *

The words that we sing today have changed through the years. I found it interesting that the birds we sing about are actually black birds. I didn't expect to learn that.

The “four calling birds” that we sing about today were, at different times, “four canary birds” and “four mockingbirds,” and before that they show up as “colly birds” or “collie birds,” which is the archaic term for blackbirds. There were however, for some reason, always four of them."**

The spiritual meaning behind these birds is even more intriguing to me. As we learned in my prior post, the "four calling birds" represent the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I hope you enjoyed these little tidbits about this tea and song and that you will think about them as you enjoy your Christmas tea today. I would love to hear your thoughts about this.

Have a blessed day!

P.S. We will be having more rooibos tea on Days 8 and 12!





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2 commentaires

Crystal B.
Crystal B.
06 déc. 2018

Hi Sandy. I'm so glad you were pleasantly surprised by the tea. You are right, you never know if you will like it until you give it a try. I hear ladies say that often that they didn't think they would like it but it turned out they did. Love that!


Sandy Mcgarrh
06 déc. 2018

Although I love coconut I didn't think I would like this tea because of the ginger root in it. I was pleasantly surprised that I like this tea. Very mellow taste. It goes to show that even though you may think you won't like a certain tea it's always good to give it a may be surprised by your taste buds!

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