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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Day 6 - Want A Spicy Christmas?

Updated: Dec 8, 2018

Six Spice Christmas Chai Tea

Want a spicy Christmas? Then please join us for Day 6 of our 12 Days of Christmas Tea Tasting. The tea for today is full of health promoting spices. This Christmas Chai Tea is sure to warm our hearts and our bellies. The delicious taste of cardamom, ginger, orange peel, cloves, cinnamon, and aniseed will fill your cup to the brim and guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood. Most of my teas I drink without any cream or sugar, but I make an exception for Chai tea. It's so delicious with a some cream that's been stirred with one of our organic ceylon cinnamon sticks that comes in your 12 Days of Tea Pack.

Mate tea is the base of today's tea, not the typical black tea base of Chai. Mate is known to boost energy. It does have caffeine, but only about half of what you would find in a cup of coffee. The aniseed and cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar and is full of antioxidants. They also help with stomach issues along with the ginger. And who wouldn't love the gentle taste of orange peel?

Chai Tea began thousands of years ago in an ancient royal court in India. The king created it as a cleansing beverage. At that time, however, this spicy drink did not contain any tea leaves because black tea was not around until later. It was a beverage that was naturally caffeine free.

Day 6 of the Christmas Song bellows "six geese-a-laying" and it symbolizes the six days of creation. God created all the creatures that live on dry land on that day, which I'm sure is why geese was chosen for the song and not a fish.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about our Christmas Chai Tea today. Until tomorrow...

My sweet friend, Andrea, sent me this picture to tell me how she loves the Chai tea... "I love day 6! Actually, all of the teas have been good, but I think the chai is especially nice on cold days. My MIL and I are sharing thoughts on the tea each day; we are in two different states, so not across the table, but it works!"


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