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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

For This Child I Prayed...

For This Child I Prayed...

For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.

1 Samuel 1:27 NKJ

After the birth of my second daughter, I was content with the size of our family. That was until she reached five years old. Surprisingly, I started having an overwhelming desire to have another baby. Since my husband didn't feel the same way, I prayed and asked God to take this longing out of my heart or to put it in my husband's heart. Week after week, nothing changed except this strong feeling was increasingly growing.

We lived in an apartment during this time and I would regularly go out after dinner to take a walk around the neighborhood. It was during these strolls that I would pour out my heart to God about this issue.

Many walks and prayers later, the Lord did respond to my request. The morning I found out we were going to have another baby I was excited! To my surprise, my husband was thrilled to find out about it too!

After my husband left for work, I sat down at the table to do my Bible study. With my heart full of gratitude, I immediately thanked God for answering my prayers and for giving me the desire to have another baby. I believe He was preparing me for what He already wanted to give us. During my study, I came across a verse in the book of John. As I read it several times, it became evident to me that the Holy Spirit was speaking.

For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom He is pleased to give it

John 5:21 NIV

Although this Scripture may not be referring to pregnancy, that is exactly what it meant to me that morning. God was telling me that it was His pleasure to give me the life (baby) that was growing inside me. For many months I thought the Lord wasn't listening to my prayers, but as I read that verse He let me know that He was there the whole time.

My faith has grown a lot since those early years of marriage, but when I remember back to that morning and when I see the face of my precious son, who is now 20 years old, it reminds me of a special time in my walk with God.

There are many things I continue to ask God for daily. But, now I am convinced that God loves me and is hearing me. I can rest assured that He will answer me in His own timing. But while I wait for Him to respond, I'll just keep praying and enjoy my time with Him. The issues of my heart matter to the Lord. Your heart concerns matter to Him too. Never stop praying!

Timothy at Crater Lake, Oregon. July 2018.

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