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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Honeysuckle Tea: Have You Tried It?

Updated: Sep 27, 2018

Enjoying a cup of Honeysuckle Tea in one of my favorite vintage tea cups.

I spent a lot of my childhood drinking the nectar out of honeysuckle flowers growing in our backyard. My girlfriends and I enjoyed the sweet taste. At the time, I never heard of honeysuckle tea. I didn't learn about this floral tea until just a few years ago while watching a family movie with my kids. One of the characters talked about loving their honeysuckle tea. Not long after that I had honeysuckle tea in my kitchen cabinet. The honeysuckle tea didn't taste as sweet as I expected. Not a bad thing, but I guess I was expecting it to taste like the nectar. After several attempts, I found out how to brew a cup (and pot) of tea to my liking. I learned that if you let the tea steep too long it will taste bitter, just like a green tea can do. So, I went down on the steeping time to only 3 minutes for a 4-cup pot of tea. Perfect every time!

Honeysuckle tea is light tasting if made correctly. It is known for its multiple medicinal benefits such as fighting inflammation, detoxing the body, digestion, fevers, coughs, and colds. It has also been used to treat upper respiratory infections*. Try it with some honey for an extra treat. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Honeysuckle Tea.

Honeysuckle like the one growing in my childhood backyard.


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