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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Why Oolong Tea?

Updated: Sep 26, 2018

I've heard a lot of great information lately about oolong tea and how it promotes weight loss. Since I'm fascinated by this healthy beverage, I thought I would do some extra research to find out what else makes it so special.

This lightly-colored tea offers a ton of health perks. But since we are in the middle of flu season, I thought I would find out how our immune system benefits from a regular intake of oolong tea. I learned that as we consume it, the antioxidants in the tea prevent cellular damage, which help us maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Studies also report that it has relaxing abilities, helps fight infections and removes harmful free radicals from our bodies. These facts makes it a wonderful tea to drink when you are not feeling your best.

So, while we are in the midst of the sniffles, sneezing, and coughing season, think about adding this health-promoting tea to your diet to see if it helps with your cold/flu symptoms, or better yet, prevents them altogether.

There are a few important cautions I read about that I want to point out though. According to Dr. Axe, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes or have an iron deficiency, it's best to limit your amount of oolong tea.* However, oolong tea is considered a safe and beneficial drink for most people.

In addition to how this disease-fighting tea helps our immune system and promotes weight loss, some of its other benefits include reducing the risk of heart disease, decreases inflammation, prevents cognitive decline, prevents bone loss, and much more. Great reasons to drink oolong tea all year long!

In our shoppe we sell three different kinds of oolong teas (hope to add more soon) that can help you get started on your tea journey. Our most popular tea is the Crazy for Coconuts Oolong Tea, which actually contains shaved coconuts. You will love its creamy sweet flavor! The other two teas are Deliciously Dark Roasted Oolong and Iron Lady Oolong. All three are delicious! Not sure if you will enjoy oolong tea? We now offer single-serve tea bags so that you can sample our teas easily. As always, I'm here to help answer any questions you may have about our teas or other products!

Happy sipping!


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