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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Stop and Smell the Roses

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

A few years ago I learned a valuable lesson. It was at the time my Mom came to stay with us for a month. We didn't realize it at the time, but my mom had cancer. She showed a lot of the signs, but since we never experienced cancer so up-close and personal before, we ignored them. How I wish I could take the wisdom I have today and relive those days.

Mom loved to sit in our backyard when the roses were in full bloom. Every morning she would sit by these sweet-smelling flowers sipping tea from one of my girly teacups (as she called them). Where was I during this time? You got it. In the kitchen watching her from the window while washing the dishes. Oh yes, the lovely dishes that are always calling my name.

One morning, my ever-so-wise daughter, Sarah, came into the kitchen and noticed this. She said, "Mom, why don't you go outside and sit with MomMom?" I assured her I would once my work was done. Don't get me wrong, I would stop from time to time to go check to see if Mom needed anything or to chat for a few minutes. There were times when she even asked me to sit down with her. Many times I did join her, but looking back now I wish I would have lingered there a little longer.

I still carry those regrets a little in my heart today, but I know my mother understood the demands of running a home and wouldn't think I was neglectful in anyway. I'm thankful for that.

The point I'm trying to make is that it's so easy to let those precious opportunities slip away without realizing it. Now I try to live life differently. Even though I'm still practicing, I'm getting better at taking those rare moments God gives me to fully engage with people. I allow life to stop for a minute to enjoy those around me. I'm learning to listen more. I don't always get this right, but I keep pursuing deeper relationships. One thing is for sure, this does not happen automatically. I need to be purposeful about keeping this mindset. I believe there is a huge blessing for those who live this way.

What about you? Is there someone in your life you want to grow closer to or someone who needs you to just sit with them? Reach out to them and make plans to enjoy one another's company, even if it's only for a few minutes. Whether it's in a rose garden, a cafe or at your kitchen table, sit and smell the roses with those you care about. While you're at it, why not share a cup of tea together?

My mom - May 2014

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