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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Treasured Friendship

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Last week my friend, Dee Dee, ordered a teapot and sugar bowl from our Shoppe. Since we haven't seen each other in a while, I invited her to stay for tea when she picked up her order. That was the smartest decision I made all week! She visited me for three hours and we got caught up on what's going on in each other's lives. Dee Dee and I go way back in our friendship. Eighteen years to be exact! We share many wonderful memories. But this past week was one of the sweetest times with her because it was an unhurried, set-apart time just to re-connect. I loved every minute! Below is a Facebook post that Dee Dee wrote to share our experience. Instead of writing a new post of my own, I thought I would let Dee Dee tell the story...

But first, one final word about this precious friend... Last year Dee Dee encouraged my husband and I to try Plexus, supplements that help heal autoimmune disease. Dee Dee has used them for a while and started working for this company because of her love in the products, but also for what the company stands for. Optimal health! God used Plexus vitamins to help my husband tremendously in his psoriasis. Plexus truly is amazing stuff! We are so thankful for Dee Dee sharing these products with us! Check out her Facebook page if you, or someone you know, needs help with an autoimmune condition. Dee Dee is the perfect person to help you on your health journey!

Now.... Here's Dee Dee....

Ever had one of those gloriously blessed days!!! I'd like to tell you about one I had last Thursday!!!

Well, I was invited to my sweet friend, Crystal's house to have tea! Crystal has started a beautiful, Holy Spirit inspired, business

We had the most wonderful conversation and talked about how she feels called to spread the message to women to unplug and strengthen friendships through the art of tea. We also chatted how God likes beauty and is a God of details!

I was so excited to receive my first purchase, a teapot and sugar bowl! Next will be a beautiful cup and saucer! And I will admit that I have never been a tea drinker! I know! A Texan who didn't drink tea! But that has now changed, because this lady had THE BEST teas!!!! I CAN'T wait to get my coconut tea!!! It tasted like candy!

Anyway, friendships are such a gift!!! We can get so busy nowadays, and what a gift to just sit in your home and have some tea with a friend!

So this day was a day of friends! You all know that I have been wanting to see "I Can Only Imagine" for SO long!!!! Well, my precious friend Lynn and I have enjoyed watching most every religious movie that is released! We had our night scheduled, but were only able to find the movie at a location a bit farther from our home! I picked her up at her home, and we had the most wonderful conversation all the way to the movie, talking about all of the ways that God is working in our lives and with our children! I also told her about my time with Crystal and her tea business and the meaning behind it! When we arrived, and I pulled into the parking lot, there were so many good choices, but I found a great one and pulled in! We sat their in the car chatting more, and in my rearview mirror I saw some people heading to the car next to ours, but I didn't pay much attention because I was chatting with Lynn! Well, a few moments later, the person in the car next to us was waving at us! It was Crystal and her daughter!

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are the chances of that happening!!!!

And then Lynn and I went into the movie, and were both so touched by the movie in a huge and personal way! Let's just say that the Holy Spirit was really moving!!! Now we have to discern all that he is saying!!!

Anyway, just had to share all of this! It was a blessed day with both of these beautiful women, our miracle encounter and then the movie with so many messages to our hearts!

So I challenge all of you ladies out there to connect with your lady friends and if you need some beautiful tea cups, check out Crystal's shop!

Dee Dee Holbrook

From Crystal: Thank you for reading this blog post. I hope you are encouraged and blessed in the fact that God is in the details. Thank you, too, Dee Dee, for spending time with me and for sharing this story. I treasure our friendship!

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