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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Thriving Friendships

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

In our modern world of text messages and emails, our relationships can sometimes suffer. I admit that slowing down our lives in order to make room for friendships is not easy, and sometimes it's a huge sacrifice, but I believe it's well worth the effort! But where do we start if we want to see this a reality in our lives? It begins with God. As we pray about our relationships, God seems to move in them. He will give us insight on how to make them better but also how to fit friendships into our busy, on-the-go lives.

If we look at the life of Jesus it becomes obvious that He was all about people. And if Jesus was all about people then we should be too. We are told in Hebrews 3:13 to "encourage one another daily." Why daily? I suggest it's because God knows we need it daily. However, building God-honoring relationships takes time. But taking small steps today will make healthier friendships tomorrow.

Here are some ideas I would like to share with you...

First, pray. Ask God to speak to you about your relationships. Where do they need to improve? Who do you need to re-connect with?

Second, reach out to the person God brings to mind. Invite them over for tea (or coffee if you must). Keep it simple. Your time together doesn't have to be all day. Set a time limit when you schedule your date. "Would you like to come over from 1:00-2:00 on Wednesday?" Set a timer if you need to and if it's appropriate. What if the person lives far away from you? Ask them to talk over the phone. Again, the timer is a great tool to use so you are not on the phone longer than you should be.

Third, when you meet (or talk) together be fully engaged with them. Ask them about what's happening in their life. Listen. Keep whatever they share with you confidential. We want to be known as a trustworthy friend. Share some things about your life. Enjoy one another's company and your delicious tea, making sure your conversation is light and godly.

Lastly, before you go your separate ways, why not schedule another time in the future to get together? I find keeping dates on the calendar helps keep me consistent. It doesn't need to be a weekly or even monthly thing. You decide what works best for both of you.

Who do you need to encourage or who do you long to see (or hear) again? Why not set a date with them today? Enjoy this journey of life together with those God has blessed you with. Before long, you will be thriving in your newly-revived relationships.

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