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  • Writer's pictureCrystal B.

Inspiring Story - Meet Jodi

Hello Friends,

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I hope that you are inspired as you learn what my dear friend, Jodi, has to say about the monthly tea party/Bible study she attends. Here's Jodi...

"I wanted to send you a peek of something I’ve been blessed to enjoy for 3 years. A little lady friend hosts a Bible study tea 2 morning sessions a month.. Beverly has beautiful dishes to rotate and loves to use them. Today we had Blue Mist black and pomegranate teas, Italian cookies and scones.. around the book of James. Our time is absolutely a fave highlight of my life."

Thanks, Jodi, for sharing your experience with us!

How about you? Do you have a story to share? I would love to post about it here on our blog. Please contact me! Do you go to a weekly or monthly Bible study? Is there a way to incorporate tea into the setting? If not, why not start one? All you need is one other lady to join you.

Have a blessed day!

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